Tag Archives: Making Stakes

LWT Hedge-Laying Course with Clive Leeke at GT

Netty delighted to find a Tawny Owl feather in the reserve, for the first time
Margaret and the team delivering the binders to the meadow in front of the hedge site
The hedge before we started: tall, leggy, and apparently never cut or laid before
Clive demonstrating how to cut a pleacher, a Hawthorn stem that you can then lay to form a barrier. Somehow it looked quite easy when he did it.
… and down goes the pleacher, that’s all you have to do.
Well we managed it somehow, our first pleached Hawthorn (a complex job with a lot of stems to lay)
Clive Leeke showing us how to sharpen a stake with a few swift axe-blows
Hedge-Staker extraordinaire. The idea is to space them a cubit apart, in a straight line, trapping every pleached stem. The binders then retain the stakes. Well, that’s the theory…
Weaving binders around hedge stakes
Jules boshing down the nicely woven-in binders
First section of hedge completed