Tag Archives: Bluetail Damselfly

Gunnersbury Triangle Damselflies Egg-Laying Like There’s No Tomorrow!

Shimmer and sparkle: many pairs of ovipositing Azure Damselflies – seven seen here, there were at least fifteen pairs, not to mention …#

Large Red Damselfly (there were several pairs)

Male Bluetail Damselfly on a reed leaf: there were two males tussling, but no female as yet

Yellow and Orange ‘escaped’ Goldfish in GT pond. Perhaps people think ‘setting them free’ when moving house will be a good thing, but they devastate native pond life

Netty with jigsaw cutting out pond minibeasts

(24 May 2018) White-Lipped Land Snail

(27 May 2018) Flooded GT paths after thunderstorm – I never saw the water table THIS high

GT seasonal pond flooded over path, yes, that’s the main path on the right there

GT looking not its best after floods – car parts, bits of fence, railway sleepers, erosion scour, rubbish-filled silt …

Sparrowhawk drives Squirrel from Nest!

The day looked unpromising for a nature walk, let alone a butterfly transect, but it was time to do one, so after a cursory tour to clip the worst of the brambles from the paths, we set off with clipboard and cameras to see what we could find.

Gasteruption jaculator Ichneumon on hogweed
Gasteruption jaculator Ichneumon, nectaring on hogweed

The hogweed, still in flower despite weeks of rainy weather that has caused many stalks to topple, was alive with flower beetles, bees large and small, and this magnificent Ichneumon wasp with its incredible ovipositor.

At first we saw only white butterflies, but a Comma was sunning itself, and a Speckled Wood had somehow survived the wet weather.

Strangalia maculata on bramble flower
Strangalia maculata on bramble flower

We saw two Strangalia maculata longhorn beetles taking nectar. They are Batesian mimics of wasps, looking in all truth only very slightly waspish, but perhaps young birds are put off. Or perhaps they do in fact taste foul.

We were just discussing the Sparrowhawks as we approached their nest tree when a commotion broke out along a branch, and a Sparrowhawk flew rapidly with its claws forward: a Squirrel raced away from the nest, hotly pursued by the angry bird; they leaped to the neighbouring tree and scurried up the matching branch out of sight. The Sparrowhawk broke into a loud excited chittering trill. We were all excited, laughing at the speed, the impossibility of reaching for a camera.

A Holly Blue flew over the pond, above several pairs of mating Azure Damselflies and a Yellow Iris now chewed right down to a semi-leafless state by the Iris Sawfly larvae.

Mating pair of Azure Damselflies on Water Mint
Mating pair of Azure Damselflies on Water Mint

Down at the Anthill Meadow, a single Small Skipper perched on an ear of Yorkshire Fog.

Small Skipper in anthill meadow
Small Skipper in anthill meadow

On the next ear was a male Bluetail Damselfly: they have emerged from the pond in the past week.

Bluetail Damselfly Ischnura elegans
Bluetail Damselfly Ischnura elegans

The wooden rail was sticky with snail pulp: a Song Thrush had hammered three snails open on the exposed woodwork, leaving shells and sticky patches behind.

Wooden rail as thrush's snail anvil
Wooden rail as thrush’s snail anvil

Two days ago I saw a Cinnabar moth in the Small Meadow. There is plenty of Ragwort coming up, so with any luck there will be plenty of caterpillars soon.

Cinnabar moth in the small meadow
Cinnabar moth in the small meadow


This Week’s Insects at Gunnersbury Triangle

Comma butterfly
Comma butterfly

Comma, Red Admiral, Small White, Meadow Brown, Holly Blue, Speckled Wood butterflies this week. A Cinnabar Moth, the first of the year, flew over the bank near a patch of Ragwort, the food plant of its caterpillars. Let’s hope she laid some eggs.

Tree Bumblebee Bombus hypnorum
Tree Bumblebee Bombus hypnorum

Macrophya Sawflies mating on Hogweed
Macrophya Sawflies mating on Hogweed

Bluetail Damselfly on Iris
Bluetail Damselfly on Iris

The first Bluetail Damselfly appeared today; Azure and Large Red Damselflies still about.

Honey Bee on Bramble flower
Honey Bee on Bramble flower

Mayflies Rising!

Mayflies rising over Wraysbury Lakes
Mayflies rising over Wraysbury Lakes

May is the fastest time of Nature’s year. What a difference a few days make! Last time at Wraysbury, a few sluggish mayflies sitting around as if waiting for something to happen in a one horse town.

Well, today it’s happening. In places, the sky is filled with rising mayflies: a few mating, most alone. Here and there, some repeatedly dance up, and a few seconds later, down; but most just climb, and fly about, seeming frail on their large wings, their triple tail streamers hanging below them: it’s worth zooming in on the picture. Even better, here’s a short video clip. The soundtrack combines an airliner taking off and a Blackcap singing.

Male Banded Demoiselle on Bramble
Male Banded Demoiselle on Bramble

One of the glories of summer by water is the brilliant turquoise and green iridescence of the male Banded Demoiselle – the so-called band is actually the appearance of flickering of the wings, the dark spot on each of the four wings giving a hard-to-describe semblance of a sparkling blue jewel in flight, with bands of colour too fast and changeable for the eye to understand. But he’s pretty fine at rest, too.

Male Common Blue Damselfly
Male Common Blue Damselfly

Common Blue, Bluetail, and Red-eyed Damselflies have all now emerged, the Red-eyed being the scarcest of the three, seemingly.

Soldier Beetle, Cantharis rustica on Cow Parsley
Soldier Beetle, Cantharis rustica on Cow Parsley

On the Cow Parsley were, as well as the damsels, two cantharid Soldier Beetles, Cantharis rustica or a close relative. Another enormous cloud of rising mayflies, and suddenly behind them a pair of Hobbies, hawking for insects – whether damselflies or even mayflies is impossible to tell. One comes close, wheels away on scything wings as it sees me.

Silver-Ground Carpet Moth Xanthorhoe montanata
Silver-Ground Carpet Moth Xanthorhoe montanata

A Silver-Ground Carpet Moth, Xanthorhoe montanata, flutters weakly past me among the Hawthorn bushes and flops onto the grass. Garden Warblers sing, a Whitethroat rasps in its songflight. A Treecreeper sings its little ditty sweetly from near the river.

On the hill, three Greylag and two Egyptian Geese form a peaceful flock. Stock Doves and a mixed flock of Crows and Jackdaws rise from the grass. A Song Thrush gives a marvellous solo recital near the road.