Tag Archives: Deforestation

Songs for the End of the Earth #2: We’ve Got the Whole World in our Hands

We’ve Got the Climate Crisis in our Hands

We’ve Got Global Warming in our Hands

We’ve Got Carbon Dioxide in our Hands

We’ve Got the Coral Reefs in our Hands

We’ve Got the Tropical Rainforests in our Hands

We’ve Got the Bees and Flowers in our Hands

We’ve Got Biodiversity in our Hands

We’ve Got the Human Race in our Hands

We’ve Got our Elected Government in our Hands

We’ve Got the United Nations in our Hands

We’ve Got the Whole World in our Hands.

See also: Songs for the End of the Earth #1: Old MacDonald had a Pesticide Sprayer (E-I-E-I-O) — sounds silly, but the message is that we’re treating nature pretty roughly in many places, including industrial farming…

The Trouble with Sheep

The Trouble with Sheep

I have an unhealthy obsession with sheep. It occupies many of my waking hours and haunts my dreams. I hate them. Perhaps I should clarify that statement. I hate not the animals themselves, which cannot be blamed for what they do, but their impact on both our ecology and our social history. Sheep are the primary reason – closely followed by grouse shooting and deer stalking – for the sad state of the British uplands. Partly as a result of their assaults, Wales now possesses less than one-third of the average forest cover of Europe. Their husbandry is the greatest obstacle to the rewilding I would like to see.

— George Monbiot. Feral: Rewilding the Land, Sea and Human Life. Penguin, 2014. Pages 154-155.

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